Saturday, September 26, 2009


$2 beef bones at 99 market.
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Sunday, September 6, 2009

san diego socialization

Not much happening in the dog world. New scents really increase his wanting to mark in the house. He had 2 incidences in the past few months. I think one was related to me not cleaning it up properly. for steam cleaner solution I like to use the OXY brand pet cleaner. The other time he marked was actually in our bedroom and I think it was because the house smelled like korean bbq. when he does mark I've never been able to catch the bastard. We got one of those baby gates to prevent him from entering the hallway/bedrooms. it's proven effective. I will say that the $10 target gate we got sucks. I think i can macguyver something to make it more sturdy though.

I also bought one of those trashcans with a lid on it so that should prevent him from going in the bathroom and pulling out all the trash.

We took him down to SD a few weekends ago. It was really great. I was afraid Marley would be very timid around people but he seemed to get along really well with everyone. Mostly males too-- he still prefers females. I think it had a lot to do with the food around. That's probably the best association. It was really hot there too, he was panting a lot. I was a little worried he would get a heat stroke. There was 4 other dogs around and he got along with all of them except one. Amazing. He's definitely gaining confidence day by day.

He got super dirty from all the sand. I also made one too many u-turns while we were trying to find a place to park and he threw up. And he threw up in a really hard place to clean too!

When we got home I assume he would be tired because he didn't get to nap all day. It was one of the rare occasions I didn't walk him 2x. lesson learned because he woke me up super early in the morning-- 2-4am'ish?

today we are going to see if he can swim.