Thursday, May 14, 2009


so it's been a while since I last posted an update. He's off his meds. I'm glad that's over with. I really didn't like giving him medicine. And for some reason I found it really hard to find canned pumpkin in the store. something about it not being october? So afterwards, his foot started looking red and through a series of trials and good thinking by CK, I stopped giving him yogurt. We believe that was the key to his red feet.

He still goes in the bathroom and yanks out the stuff from the trashcan. I need to set up some alarm system that freaks him out. He hasn't gone pee in the house in a while. I think this is a combination of 2 things. he's used to my roommate now. we steam cleaned the carpet. I can't believe how much money I spent on various urine remove products.

He's fairly easy to walk. though the one thing that puts him into Hyde mode is squirrels. I've never seen him so possessed. Tapping him with my foot a few times didn't even snap him out.

CK began teaching him some new tricks. One is where she points her finger at him (like a gun) and he is supposed to lie on his back. Bang... you're dead... get it? I've been working on "roll over". though i think it's useless. I guess it's good for the sake of training. what I should really be teaching him is heel. I think i'll go do that now.

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