Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Last weekend we bathed him for the 2nd time in the house. I think he was washed better this time... it's a lot easier with CK helping. It might be me but he seemed less scared this time around. We also clipped his nails. He looks great :)

I finally got around to scheduling a vet appointment to see what was up with his feet. He's licking him severely. So $199 later, he got some shot and some medicine he has to take for a month. I created a google calender for him so I could remember the exact schedule.

For the 2 pills he has to take i just dropped it in his food bowl but he wouldn't eat it. Not even when it was covered with yogurt. I then smeared it with peanut butter. that worked like a charm.

for the spray on his feet, I took a cue from how the vet was looking at them. basically just have him stand up and pull is feet back and up. when first sprayed his feet i had him on his side but I find it much easier when he's standing up. I also get a better grip on him as he tries to run away.

He seems really tired or unmotivated today. I was getting worried that it might be the medicine. though when i went to get him a chicken snack he was back to normal. he also didn't go poo on his evening walk. I wonder if it's because of the medicine. or perhaps it's because I didn't give him a Kong treat today. He weighed in at 20.3 lbs at the vet. 2 lbs heavier than before. fatty! though I will say he's pretty fit. when we used to run he was pretty fast. He can also leap up on my bed and it's pretty high up too.

Last week I accidently stepped on his feet when I was opening the side gate. He yelped. I think it affected him on his walks... in a good way. for some reason he stands a foot behind me "sometimes" on walks. he never used to do that. He's been pretty good lately about not marking a whole lot.

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