Tuesday, December 30, 2008

First week

The first week was quite memorable. Bad stuff first... he got fleas which then sparked a slew of emails to friends about what to do (other than google). Frontline did work but as of the post I bought Comfortis, which I will use after the Frontline is used up. I franticly cleaned and vaccummed everyday as I would rather not flea bomb the house.

I was quite proud of Marley after the first week. I taught him to come, sit, and walk on a leash. He lacks confidence but he doesn't run away or howl like other dogs. He will just lie down or tuck his tail between his legs. I taught him to walk on a leash by calling him to me with the leash on him. I tried the whole "leave the leash on him and let him roam free so he can get used to it" thing. I'm not sure how much this helped but it literally took like 30 minutes to walk around my tiny 3 bedroom home. I practiced 2-3x a day for 2-3 days and eventually he got it. The day he got around the house I immediately went to the front yard and then took him on a 1 hour walk. it was great.

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